A Love Letter To A World In Need Of More Love and Kindness

A Love Letter To A World In Need Of More Love and Kindness

Dear World,

Today, as we celebrate Global Love Day, I'm taking a moment to think about all of us living on this big, beautiful planet. We see a lot of tough stuff happening around us—people arguing, natural places hurting, and some folks feeling really alone. It's clear we all need a little more love and kindness.

Dear World,

Today, as we celebrate Global Love Day, I'm taking a moment to think about all of us living on this big, beautiful planet of ours. We see a lot of tough stuff happening around us—people arguing, natural places hurting, and some are feeling really alone. It's clear we all need a little more love and kindness, especially nos.

You, dear world, are home to so many different kinds of people, animals, spaces and places. Each one of us has our own story and while we sometimes feel our struggles are not shared by other, let's remember that we are all one. We all share one thing: we all need kindness and love.

To everyone out there: We have the power to not only make things better but to shift the vibrational frequency we have been moving towards. A kind word, a smile, or a helping hand not only can but most definitely begin the ripple effect to help change the direction of our hearts and minds.  It doesn't take much to make someone's day a little brighter.

So today, and always, I promise to do my part. I’ll try to listen better, help out where I can, and be kind to everyone I meet. I want to be someone who creates a safe space of love, kindness and compassion. Whether it’s holding the door open for a stranger, giving a sincere compliment, or just lending an ear when someone needs to talk, these are the little things that count.

Big gestures are wonderful and if you really feel into those small, seemingly unimportant gestures and moments you will understand more about the sameness and the differences in all of us. Imagine if we all just did one small kind thing every day—how much lighter and happier the world could feel!

Let's all  be a little kinder every day. If we do, we can make our world a better place, bit by bit and person by person. Let’s spread that kindness far and wide, from our own backyard, neighborhoods and to people across the globe. We might be surprised at how much joy we can bring to others and how much comes back to us in return.  

With hope and love for a kinder world.  

Caterina Barregar and the  Make Love Your Compass™ team.  

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